Guest Post by Sheryl Steins, Author of "The Day of First Sun"
Please enjoy this guest post by Sheryl Steines, author of the urban fantasy novel, The Day of First Sun . Then read on to learn how you can ...
Please enjoy this guest post by Sheryl Steines, author of the urban fantasy novel, The Day of First Sun . Then read on to learn how you can ...
FINALLY I have become an official Smithy volunteer for the National Museum of African Art. EEEEEEeeee I’m so excited and the week aft...
Seriously, I promise I will get my museum post up soon! In the mean time, I was a guest blogger on my BFF's Kayla's blog, I'm So...
I'm sorry it's been so long since my last post. My excuse is that I've been SUPER busy reading the novel Doxology. Right now I...
All volunteers are required to serve their first day on the job at the Castle answering visitors' general Smithsonian questions . Th...
There has been some hype surrounding Ally Condie’s post-apocalyptic YA romance novel, Matched . It has been compared to T...
Wow! It feels like I haven’t blogged in forever, when in reality it’s only been about a week since my last training. Maybe I feel thi...