MathAlive at the Ripley Center and The Last Reef in IMAX 3D
Hi fellow museum enthusiasts. Sorry for the delay. This post
is a pretty short catch-up post from last week. First things first: MathAlive!
Not very many people know about the Ripley Center because
from the outside it looks like a glorified hut. However, inside it is HUGE
and FANCY because everything is underground.
And while it’s not a museum itself, it holds many offices,
lecture halls, classrooms, a theater, and the International Gallery, which
holds traveling exhibits. I was lucky enough to have had volunteered on the
opening day of the International Gallery’s new exhibit MathAlive!
Basically it’s a fun zone for kids to learn about how math
is relevant in the real world. They had different stations with activities based on how math is used in
engineering, gaming, sports, graphics, music, and probably some other stuff I’m
forgetting. If you want to learn more about it you can click HERE to visit
their web page or watch this trailer for the exhibit below.
Now on Thursday evening I got the opportunity to use my
museum perk for the first time. YAY! There was a free showing of The Last Reef
in 3D IMAX at the National Museum of Natural History for all volunteers and
employees. And despite the name of the film, it was actually very uplifting at
If you want to know more about the film "The Last Reef" click HERE.
Unfortunately NOBODY came to see it with me even though,
since this was a special one time only screening for the Environmental Film Festival, my friends and guests could be free too. I
guess everybody was busy or just didn’t want to see it. (LAME!!!) But hey, at
least I offered and I kind of expected it because documentaries are a hard sell
(even if they’re free, I will never understand people’s lack of enthusiasm for
free fun stuff shrug).
So I basically went to the museum after work and used my
employee badge to bypass security and then I used it again to get a discount on
beer at the concessions stand. It's nice that they sell alcohol but it was kind of awkward because I was
drinking beer alone out of a bottle in front of tons of kids and their parents…
The movie itself was very good and really fun because it
was in 3D so all the fishies swam out at you. And yes, I totally fan girl squealed
when the jellyfish appeared. They were so cute!!!! And doing that thing where
they blip up and down floating and stuff. CUTE! Also, I had never realized
until now how hilarious sea slugs looked. I kept laughing when they appeared.
HAHA I’m laughing just thinking about them. LOLZ.
So despite the fact I had to go alone, I’m glad I went. It
was fun and a good way to de-stress after work. I hope there will be more
opportunities like this in the future. I mean I get a free IMAX movie every
week regardless, but it’s nice that sometimes they’ll let friends and guests be
free too :D Until next time…
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