Guest Post by Sheryl Steins, Author of "The Day of First Sun"

Please enjoy this guest post by Sheryl Steines, author of the urban fantasy novel, The Day of First Sun . Then read on to learn how you can ...

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MathAlive at the Ripley Center and The Last Reef in IMAX 3D

Hi fellow museum enthusiasts. Sorry for the delay. This post is a pretty short catch-up post from last week. First things first: Math...

Day 1 African Art: Volunteer Orientation & Lunch @ American Indian

FINALLY I have become an official Smithy volunteer for the National Museum of African Art. EEEEEEeeee I’m so excited and the week aft...

I was a Guest Blogger on "I'm Sorry But..."

Seriously, I promise I will get my museum post up soon! In the mean time, I was a guest blogger on my BFF's Kayla's blog, I'm So...

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Guest post by author Brian Holers. Doxology: Not just for Christians

I'm sorry it's been so long since my last post. My excuse is that I've been SUPER busy reading the novel Doxology. Right now I...

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2/23/12 Officially learned that I'll be starting my volunteer post at the National Museum of African Art on March 10th. 1/18/12 NEW BLOG DESIGN AND LAYOUT!!!

About Me

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Elizabeth is a recent graduate from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, receiving a B.A. in Mathematics. Soon after wards, she moved from a smaller county in S.W. VA to a busy city in the NOVA metro area for her job. Through her love of learning and tourist attractions, she has decided to start volunteering with the Smithsonian museums. This blog will record her experiences volunteering as well as her thoughts on various museums or exhibits (or anything touristy really). "Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I hope it makes you want to visit D.C. sometime. If not, maybe it can inspire you to become a fake tourist in your own town (or a museum volunteer)."