Day 2 Volunteering: Slow Castle day and Where for art thou Clint Eastwood?

This week I got a chance to fill in at the Castle on Sunday morning. The weather channel said it was going to be in the high fifties/low sixties, so I wore something colorful and spring time-y for the occasion.

But nobody told me it was going to be so windy. BRRRRRR!

Spring look, Feb 27

Overall it was a pretty slow morning, which is to be expected since the museums don’t open until 10am (the Castle opens at 8:30am though, so I had to be there at 9:30am). This gave me a chance to chat with the other volunteers. With me were two older retired women and a younger girl out of grad school. They seemed really nice and in between answering visitors’ questions we talked about many different topics such as our favorite grocery stores, how to firm up your waistline, Oscar nominees, and how visitors literally steal ALL of the free Smithy postcards. (Pro tip: It’s ok to take a few postcards. But to take all of them? What are you trying to do? Wallpaper your house with them?) It was fun and zero crises happened.

I think the only thing that was interesting was one man exclaiming rudely about how the Smithsonian was ridiculous for not having anything displaying industrial design. For one thing, we do have a small exhibit about industrial design in the Castle right now called “Stamps of Approval”. It’s not our fault that you thought it was “pathetic” and didn’t like it. Also, it’s not our fault that the arts and industries building that would hold an exhibit like that is undergoing renovations because the Institution was afraid the roof would cave in. Just saying!

Also a dude the looked a lot like Darren Criss came in. I was excited for a bit and then I realized it couldn’t be Darren because this dude wasn’t American and had a really thick accent. Sad times. I will celebrate the day Darren Criss comes to the Smithy and if it’s for an event, I’ll be sure to stalk him. 

You're cuter than a guinea pig, Gonna take you up to Winnipeg, THAT'S IN CANADA!

Speaking of events and celebrities to stalk, Clint Eastwood came to the National Museum of American History on Feb 2nd AND I MISSED HIM!!!!! GAH WHY DID HE HAVE TO COME ON A WEEKDAY! AHHHH WORK MAKES ME MISS ALL THE THINGS!!!
All that’s left of him at NMAH is his costume from his Oscar winning performance in Unforgiven.

After volunteering I went to go see it and the whole exhibit and theater that Clint Eastwood helped open. It’s the new Warner Bros. Theater and not only did it have Clint’s costume, it had Harry FREAKING Potter’s robe from Sorcerer’s Stone. AHHHHHH fan girl scream!

Daniel Radcliffe was so skinny then. He was also only 11.

Funny story: I went to the NMAH info desk and said to one of the volunteers, “So I heard you had Harry Potter’s robe.” She was … kind of ancient, like my grandmother’s age, and she looked at me as if I were speaking a different language. I kindly repeated myself and she still gave me that, “Harry who?” look. I kept thinking to myself, “OMG the generation gap must be so huge that you don’t even know who Harry Potter is.” She had to call over another volunteer who immediately knew what I was talking about and showed me where it was. I was amused. When I got to standing in front of the robe, I kept hearing kids around me say, “OMG it’s Harry Potter’s robe!!!!” If I were young enough, I would be saying that too. But alas, I was only saying it in my brain.

They also had original Bugs Bunny sketches, along with a baterang (Batman + boomerang) from The Dark Knight.

No idea what the curator was thinking when they thought that bugs bunny and batman belong together. I guess they both are cartoons   ???

And next to Clint’s costume were original costumes from Casablanca that Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman wore. 

And the best picture Oscar that Casablanca won.

That’s a lot of memorabilia for one exhibit wall.

Exciting new though. Check this out.

This is the schedule of all the movies they are going to play at the new Warner Bros Theater this Summer season. Why they don’t show more movies? I don’t know. Maybe because all of these movies are free and if they showed too many they would lose money.

Anyway, this summer I’m determined to go see at least one. Not only are they showing my favorite movie (Singing in the Rain), I’ve also never seen a lot of these. So this is a great opportunity to in a swanky new theater. Although I doubt I’d want to see Gone with the Wind there. 1) I’ve seen it already twice. 2) It’s 3 hours and 45 mins long. Just no. 

As always, let me know what you think of this post in comments, particularly if you have seen any of the movies listed above. Were they good? Which ones do I HAVE to see?


Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Totally delightful I enjoyed so much I must confess I am guilty of stealing bunch of free post cards to give to my friends at work ha ha
Next time I will try to go easy on them I guess other people needs post cards too Sorry
I like the pictures and of course my hero Clint Eastwood I also love all the free movies I wish I live there so that I can see them all
I am so proud of you Keep up the good work
I can't wait to read more Until next time!
Much Love Mom

Elizabeth said... [Reply to comment]

@Anonymous Thanks Mom! Glad you enjoyed :)

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Elizabeth is a recent graduate from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, receiving a B.A. in Mathematics. Soon after wards, she moved from a smaller county in S.W. VA to a busy city in the NOVA metro area for her job. Through her love of learning and tourist attractions, she has decided to start volunteering with the Smithsonian museums. This blog will record her experiences volunteering as well as her thoughts on various museums or exhibits (or anything touristy really). "Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I hope it makes you want to visit D.C. sometime. If not, maybe it can inspire you to become a fake tourist in your own town (or a museum volunteer)."